setbe, look, etc. (all) ˈset (for sth/to do sth)be ready or prepared to do sth ﹙为某事/做某事﹚作好准备;行将…:They were all set to go out when the phone rang. 他们都准备好要出门的时候,电话铃响了。The team looks set for another easy win. 该队看起来志在必得,要再次轻松取胜。be (,dead) ˈset against sth/doing sthbe strongly opposed to sth 强烈反对﹙做﹚某事:I’ve tried to persuade him to move house, but he’s dead set against it. 我试图说服他搬家,可是他坚决不同意。She’s not very well, but she’s set against going to the doctor. 她身体不太好,可是死也不肯去看医生。be set ˈfair (BrE)(of weather天气) good and with no sign of change 晴朗且无变化迹象:Apparently the weather is set fair for the rest of the week. 很显然,今后一周天气将持续晴好。likely to be successful 很可能会成功:They are set fair to win the championship. 他们很有可能夺冠。be, set in your ˈwaysbe unable or unwilling to change your behaviour,habits or ideas, usually because you are old ﹙通常因年老而﹚墨守陈规,固执己见:He’s too set in his ways to agree to a holiday on a boat. 他太古板,不同意乘船度假。be (,dead) ˈset on sth/doing sthwant to do or have sth very much; be determined to do or have sth 一心想做;决心要做;一心想得到:She’s dead set on leaving her job and emigrating to Canada. 她决意要辞职,移民去加拿大。not/never set the ˈworld on fire (BrE alsonot/never set the ˈThames on fire) (informal)never do anything exciting, unusual or wonderful不会做出惊人之举;不会引起轰动;不会成大器:He’s good, but he’ll never set the world on fire. He’s not dynamic enough. 他还不错,不过决不会做出惊人之举。他魄力不足。NOTEThe Thames is the large river that runs through London. Thames﹙泰晤士河﹚是流经伦敦的一条大河。set (sb) a (good, bad, etc.) e'xampleshow a (good, etc.) standard of work or behaviour for others to follow or copy ﹙为某人﹚树立﹙ 好或坏等﹚ 榜样:You shouldn’t use bad language in front of your children—it sets a bad example. 你不应该在孩子面前使用不健康的语言——这会给他们树立一个坏榜样。She sets us all an example (= a good example). 她给我们大家树立了榜样。set your face against sth (written,especially BrE)be strongly opposed to sth and refuse to change your opinion 沉下脸反对;坚决反对:Her father had set his face against the marriage. 她父亲坚决反对这桩婚事。set ˈfoot in/on sthenter or visit a place 进入,参观﹙某地﹚:Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon,in July 1969. 1969 年7月,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗第一个登上月球。She’s been complaining from the moment she set foot in this hotel. 她从一踏进酒店就一直在抱怨。set your ˈheart/'mind on sth/doing sth; have (got) your heart/mind ˈset on sth/doing sthwant sth very much; want to do or achieve sth verymuch 一心想要某物﹙或做某事﹚;立志要:When she was a small girl, her heart was set on a horse of her own. 她还是个小女孩时就特别想要一匹属于自己的马。He set his mind on becoming a doctor.他立志要成为一名医生。I have my heart set on a new guitar. 我一心想要一把新吉他。set ˈlight to sth (especially BrE)make sth start burning 点着;使…烧着:A spark from the fire had set light to a rug. 从火炉迸出的火星引燃了地毯。set sth on ˈfire/set ˈfire to sthcause sth to start burning because you want todestroy or damage it ﹙为破坏某物而﹚点燃,纵火:Three youths were accused of setting the house on fire. 三名青年被指控纵火烧毁那所房子。make sb/sth very interested or excited 引起…的极大兴趣;点燃…的激情:Her new book has really set the literary critics on fire. 她的新书确实引发了文学评论界的热烈讨论。set the ˈpacedo sth at a speed which other people must follow ifthey want to be successful; lead by being better,cleverer, more original, etc. than other people 定步速;起带头作用;树立榜样:Jones set the pace in the 5000 metres. 琼斯在5 000米赛跑中领跑。This new style of bicycle has really set the pace for the rest of the industry. 这种新款的自行车的确引领了整个自行车产业。pacesetter noun:Richard Rogers is a pacesetter in modern architecture.理查德·罗杰斯是现代建筑设计的先行者。NOTEIn athletics, one person in a race sets the pace forthe other competitors by running faster thanthem. 在赛跑比赛中,一个人领跑,为其他参赛者定步速。set the ˈseal on sth (formal)be the highest or best thing to happen in a successfulcareer, project, etc. 成为事业﹙或项目等﹚的顶点:His Nobel prize set the seal on a brilliant academic career in physics. 获得诺贝尔奖成为他辉煌的物理学研究生涯的顶峰。set the ˈscene/'stage (for sth)give sb the information they need in order tounderstand what comes next ﹙向…﹚叙述背景:The first few chapters of the book just set the scene.这本书的开头几章只是背景介绍。create the conditions in which sth can easilyhappen ﹙为…﹚创造条件,作好准备:His arrival set the scene for another argument. 他的到来又会引起另一场争论。With so many economic and political problems, the stage was set for another war. 存在这么多经济和政治问题,引发新的战争在所难免。set your sights ˈhigh/'lowbe ambitious/not ambitious; expect a lot/littlefrom your life 有/无雄心大志;人生目标高/低:If you set your sights high, you could do anything.如果你志向高远,一切皆有可能。set your ˈsights on sth/doing sth; have (got) your sights ˈset on sth/doing sthtry to achieve or get sth 立志要实现﹙或得到﹚:She’s set her sights on an Olympic gold. 她立志要在奥运会上获得金牌。He has his sights on owning the biggest property company in the USA.他立志要拥有美国最大的房地产公司。NOTEYou look through the sights of a gun to aim atthe target. 射击时通过sights﹙瞄准器﹚瞄准目标。set sb’s ˈteeth on edge(of a sound 声音) make sb feel physically uncomfortable使人牙根发酸;使感到不舒服:That noise is really setting my teeth on edge! Can you stop?那噪声让我很不舒服!你能不能停下来?annoy sb; make sb feel tense 惹恼某人;使某人感到紧张:It sets my teeth on edge when I hear him talking to his mother so rudely. 听到他跟自己的母亲说话这么无礼,我很恼火。set the ˈtone (of/for sth)create or establish a general feeling or atmosphereamong a group of people (about a particular subject)﹙为… ﹚ 定基调:His very clever and very funny speech set the tone for the rest of the evening.他机智诙谐的演讲为整个晚会定下了基调。set ˈtongues wagging (informal)cause people to start talking about sb’s privateaffairs 惹人家说长道短;使议论纷纷:A careless remark about his family really set tongues wagging.无心说了一句他的家庭,大家一下子喋喋不休起来。set up ˈhouse/'home (with sb/together)start to live with sb (rather than with your parents)﹙同某人﹚一起生活,建立家庭:They didn’t have much money, so they set up house in an old caravan. 他们没有多少钱,因此就在一辆破旧的旅行拖车上安了一个家。They got married and set up home together in Hull. 他们结婚了,一同在赫尔建立了家庭。,set up ˈshopstart a business (in a particular place) ﹙在某地﹚开业:He worked as a writer for several years, then set up shop as a small publisher. 他当了几年作家,然后开业做了个小出版商。The young lawyer set up shop in a new office in the centre of town.这位年轻的律师在市中心开了一家新的事务所。be carved/set in stone 另见stoneclap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth 另见eyesget/keep/set/start the ball rolling 另见ballgo/set about your work 另见workgo/set to work (on sth) 另见workthe jet set 另见jetnot/never put/set a foot wrong 另见footon your marks, get set, go! 另见marksput/set sb at (their) ease 另见easeput/set the cat among the pigeons 另见catput/set your (own) house in order 另见houseput/set sth in motion 另见motionput/set sb’s mind at ease/rest 另见mindput/set/turn your mind to sth 另见mindput/set/place sb on a pedestal 另见pedestalput/set the record straight 另见recordput/set sb right 另见rightput/set (no, great, little, etc.) store by sth 另见storeput/set sb straight (about/on sth) 另见straightput/set sth to rights 另见rightsput/set sb to work (on sth) 另见work(get) ready, (get) set, go! 另见readyset the wheels in motion=put/set sth in motion 另见motion